Unhappy with English GCSE Result(s)? An English Teacher’s Advice…. Before I start, I’m going to admit (no haters please) – I’m lucky. I’m lucky because I am definitely NOT unhappy with English GCSE Result(s).  All my students passed 100%. I’m delighted. And I’m elated. I am also so happy for them – and I’m happy for the many of you out there who may have passed one of your English GCSEs and are now working on your second (whether that be Literature or Language). I’m happy for all of you who worked very hard. That said, if you are…

Unhappy with English GCSE Result(s)? Here’s An English Teacher’s Advice

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Firstly, believe me when I say – I’m happy for all of you who sat GCSEs this summer – whatever your result. I’m proud of everyone who tried.


However, I know that for some, the numbers in their school’s Progress 8, the grade boundaries and the notion of ‘academic achievement’ don’t reward them. Those scoring below a grade 4 in their English Language GCSE will have to resit or seek an alternative, equivalent qualification to proceed with their further study / access various job roles. This is very tough for the person who made a monumental effort just to steady themselves in that exam hall, sit that exam and do their best.  For that student – it is a big deal – given their relative experience(s) of the education system.


What about those with a grade 3 or below you ask? What would I advise to those people who tried their best, but are facing English Language GCSE resits?

Unhappy with English GCSE Result(s)? An English Teacher’s Advice

Here it is…


Take stock.

Whatever grade you achieved – you know if you tried or not – and that’s what matters, truly. Resits and tuition may come, but you know yourself better than anyone else. Take stock and notice how much progress you’ve made before contemplating your future plans.


Get some help.

Chances are you’ve done your best and just missed a grade – if that’s the case you may need to try something new. They say the definition of madness is ‘to keep trying the same things and expect different results’. Now is the time to change something – it doesn’t have to be big, you could tweak your working style, your support network, get a tutor, ask a friend – whatever it is get some help for the November resit.


You need to read!

Whilst that may sound like a line from the film Top Gun – chances are your resit is in the English Language GCSE. Rarely do students resit Literature. In my view English Language is harder than Literature. This is because, unlike Literature, you cannot read a set text, learn quotes and apply pre-learnt ideas (I mean that’s not the ideal way to learn it anyway, but many do…). With Language it’s a real test of your comprehension skills for an unseen text. To cope with this requirement, you need to be reading and understanding new texts regularly. These may be novels, blogs with challenging vocabulary or non-fiction magazines around a subject you love (again there needs to be some challenging text in there!)


Whatever you do – please don’t feel down. Many have faced the GCSE resit struggle in tough subjects and they have surmounted it. You CAN DO THIS and I’m here for all those who want to make it!


Happy Studies! ?

Zoë Sophie


Teacher | Tutor | English Specialist


PS: If you need any help, advice or resources – please do not hesitate to contact me or to request to join my closed Facebook Help Group.


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