VIP ‘1-2-1’ Online

VIP '1-2-1' Online

The No.1 MOST popular tutoring service online!

The VIP 1-2-1 online tuition offered by Pass English GCSE is the most popular tuition service. Ask those who have engaged in the online tutoring process and many will tell you that nothing beats one to one time with a subject specialist. Just you, the texts, all your questions and the answers from an expert who has encouraged, inspired and coached an array from students from varying backgrounds through the English GCSE.

The testimonials speak for themselves – 1-2-1 online tutoring makes the student at the heart of the session, making them the online VIP.

If you have any questions, please contact me else book a FREE initial assessment to see what online tutoring can offer.

Book your FREE online assessment today!

The process is simple:

1. Book your FREE initial assessment session with me to meet and discuss educational aspirations.
2. I will assess strengths, weaknesses and goals.
3. We find a mutually convenient time to commit to regular tutoring.
4. Book your regular session(s) with me.
5. Begin to progress towards your English GCSE goals.

VIP '1-2-1' Online

Online VIPs may expect…

Pass English GCSE

An analysis of YOU!

I will take the time to get to know you! I will listen to your worries, aims and explore your current attainment in English. You can expect to receive an analysis of your current skills from your work to date and subject knowledge. I’m interested in how you think, study, retain information and whether you actually enjoy studying English. Every student is different and here I can work out how you learn best and how best to teach you.

Dialogue of expertise

As your English tutor, I will ensure all teachers and parents are agreed on the best objectives to help you. That means liaising closely with them and any other experts currently assisting you in your goal to pass GCSE English. The best exam candidates are the result of a wealth of expertise! I work closely with all parties to ensure the best curriculem and tailored lessons to meet the needs of my students.

A mastery of English online

With years of classroom experience, multiple degrees and a passion for English – I have a wealth of expertise to impart to you on a weekly basis. Whether it is simple essay writing techniques, de-coding Shakespeare or even practising your speaking and listening topic, my expertise will ensure you make progress and fill in the missing pieces of your subject knowledge!

Unlock your potential

As my online VIP student you will need to master the subject and unlock your potential. This can only be achieved with regular, constructive feedback to enable you to shine. Weekly homework tasks and marking ensure students are aware of how they are doing and what they may need to do to improve. The combination of this with textual analysis – using a graphics tablet to demonstrate – (at your pace) and explanations (in plain English) result in happy, empowered students.

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